Soccer While Black: Lady Calls Cops On Black Father At His Child’s Soccer Game

Is this a new thing now??

Video shows a white woman calling the police on a black father during his son’s soccer game… claiming he yelled at the referee, when he was actually cheering on his son.

Two women attended the game in Ponte Vedra, Florida,  begin recording posted images and videos of the incident on Facebook  uploading images of the field marshal who called the police, showing her sitting in a blue golfcart with a phone to her ear and nicknaming her “Golfcart Gail.”

The unnamed dad had yelled “The ref is right!” when he saw his kid was frustrated by a call, but “Golfcart Gail” took offense, Williams said.

Police found no wrongdoing and did not detain the father. It is the latest in a string of occurrences where white people have called 911 on black people who have done nothing wrong.


