Video Shows Mother Throwing Her Newborn Baby In Dumpster.

Video Shows Mother Throwing Her Newborn Baby In Dumpster.

Security footage shows a 18 year-old mother tossing her newborn in a dumpster before the infant is found alive in trash bag six hours later.

Alexis Avila, 18, put the baby in a trash bag and left it in a New Mexico dumpster…..The teen has been arrested and charged with attempted murder and child abuse.

 Security camera video shows a woman arriving in a car before opening the back door and tossing a black trash bag into a dumpster in Hobbs, New Mexico, at around 2pm on January 7. 6 hours later, footage showed 3 people looking through the dumpster before finding the infant inside. Incredibly, the newborn was alive and is not stable while being cared for in hospital. Cops have later charged Alexis. They said she has confessed.

