video: young woman beaten on side of the road with baby & stroller

video young woman, beaten on side of the road with baby in stroller

Crazy video has surfaced  on Facebook Sunday morning showing a group of females approaching a young woman.

The young lady was pushing her baby in a stroller when she was attacked on S.E. 44th near Bryant.

In the video you can hear someone warning her to leave the scene “I really just want you to leave, I’m trying to look out for your baby for real. Like move your baby because I don’t want your baby to get hurt,” he says.

She doesn’t move the baby but the girls start attacking anyway, hitting, kicking, punching and pulling her hair.

At one point in time, the stroller gets shoved forward.

Then, you can hear a loud honking as someone driving by gets out of her car and tries to make them stop.

“Shut the f*** up before you get hit too,” you can hear the person taking the video say.

The Facebook post had almost 50,000 views before the person who posted it took it down.

Many people were appalled when they saw the video.

“That was wrong. That was so wrong. And then you beat up on an innocent bystander that stopped to help that girl. That’s wrong,” said Lacreita Smith after she watched the video.

Police are investigating and said they had already identified several of the people in the video Sunday evening.

Police had also been in touch with the Good Samaritan and said she was working with them as well.
